Zara & Lex

Zara & Lex

Your stories ; your stories your stories This is the story of Zara & Lex On Oct 26 2018, we said goodbye to our darling son Jesse. We’d made the heartbreaking decision to end his pregnancy after being told he was simply “incompatible with life” due to a rare...
Kerry & Stuart

Kerry & Stuart

Your stories ; your stories your stories This is the story of Stuart and Kerry We made the decision that the time was right to start our family, we had our home and I was probably as grown up as I would ever be. It all seemed perfect. We didn’t fall pregnant...
Sonia & Dan

Sonia & Dan

Your stories ; your stories your stories This is the story of Sonia, Dan and Lyra. There’s something uniquely isolating about your baby dying. Death is such a taboo in our society and the death of a child is the natural order turned on its head. People care, but don’t...
Jonathan & Lia

Jonathan & Lia

Your stories ; your stories Your stories This is the story of Jonathan, Lia and Rowan. I had wanted children for a long time. When I married Lia in 2016, at the ripe old age of 44, I was very excited about the prospect of starting a family. Lia became pregnant in...
Martin & Ilinka

Martin & Ilinka

our stories ; OUR STORIES OUR STORIES This is the story of Martin & Ilinka “Do you have children?” Everyone asks this question – family members, friends, friends of friends, colleagues, clients, random people, banks, doctors, shops, various surveys,...