Petals is an active and growing charity, and we are therefore looking to recruit a number of new trustees to support Petals as we go forward. Specifically, we are looking for someone to fill the roles of Treasurer and Legal Specialist. More information about the specific roles can be found be clicking on these links: Treasurer Role, Legal Specialist Role. We are looking for Trustees with the relevant experience, and who are committed to helping Petals grow and develop over the coming years.
Role of the Board of Trustees
  • Govern the organisation and provide leadership and overall direction.
  • Ensure the organisation has a clear, shared vision and aims and effective strategies to achieve these.
To apply:
The deadline for applications is 28th February 2018. To apply please send a CV (maximum 2 pages) and cover letter to [email protected] which details how you meet the criteria outlined below and why you want to become a board member.