
We had a lengthy meeting on Wednesday evening, where much coffee was consumed while lots of boxes on our to-do list were ticked, and a whole lot more ‘to-do’s were added to the bottom of the list!

Karen has been busy writing a business plan, Miranda has been working with Mobas on the structure for the website, new trustees have been recruited (although we still need to find a Treasurer and a Secretary), and various discussions have been ongoing with various contacts who may be able to help us with establishing our name.

We decided that we really need to get the website live in order to help with fundraising so there will be a lot of focus on getting the copy ready for that while Miranda and Karen work with Mobas on the look and feel of it.  In the meantime, however, everyone was encouraged to spread the word and seek supporters, and to investigate funding opportunities where possible.  So please, if you’re reading this, please encourage your friends to support this really good cause!  We need all the help we can get to get this charity established, we really want to get on with helping the thousands of couples who suffer every year with the trauma of a pregnancy that does not turn out how they had hoped.

These are busy, busy times, and it really feels like we can’t work fast enough as we are all doing this work in our spare time.  But everyone is very excited and keen to get going.

During the meeting we also agreed on a logo for Petals, which you can now see at the top of this blog!  What do you think?