We are delighted to announce that our partnership with Teddy’s Wish will be continuing throughout 2022.
Thanks to generous support from Teddy’s Wish, Petals is able to offer extra counselling sessions to those who suffer the most devastating and traumatic losses and require counselling support beyond the maximum 12 sessions that Petals can usually provide.
Since the partnership began in May 2020, Petals has been able to support 26 individuals or couples with 6-12 additional counselling sessions.
Karen Burgess, CEO of Petals explained, “Every parent that Petals supports is different – their experiences and their reactions can vary hugely and so they often require tailored support that adapts to their specific needs. For some of the parents we see this means that they need support for longer, to come to terms with their new unexpected reality. With this wonderful additional donation from Teddy’s Wish, the funding for those extra sessions is now secure”
Jenifer Reid, co-founder of Teddy’s Wish added, “There is no right or wrong way to grieve and each family’s grief journey is unique. We strongly believe that support should be available for as long as needed and we are delighted to be continuing our partnership with Petals to ensure those families continue to be looked after”