A note from our chairperson, Miranda, who who worked alongside Karen to get the idea up and running…
Karen told me about her idea for a charity during one of our counselling sessions. She had mentioned that the NHS were cutting her service, and it had come up in my counselling that I wanted to get involved in some charity work and give something back. When she mentioned the charity I was really keen to get involved!
I then spoke to my husband, James, about the idea of the company he worked for supporting us. Mobas is a small design agency with an MD who really ‘got’ the cause after some close family members suffered problems during their pregnancy. He had also seen what losing our boys had done to James and really wanted to be able to help us in some way.
When I told him what we were doing, he was only too happy to help and kindly agreed to do all our marketing for us! Fantastic! Karen and I went over to the office and got a really enthusiastic and supportive response. By then we had come up with the name of Petals, and just needed to explain what we were all about and what the feel of our brand needed to be. A few meetings later and we had a logo, headed paper, a website concept, the works. We really were bowled over by what Mobas agreed to do for us.