It is impossible to do any sort of a ‘review’ of the efforts of our fundraisers over the last year, without mentioning the ‘c-word’. Now, it seems, is the time to bake cakes…  Or if not, then to enjoy eating them!  And we have seen various fundraisers over the past year using the opportunity to make/bake/decorate and/or eat cake, all in the name of Petals.

There was, of course, the great Petals Bake-Off which had many keen (and some less keen) bakers donning their aprons and whipping up some culinary delights in the kitchen.  One of the youngest contributors was Holly Neale, aged 2, who enjoyed making some beautiful fairy cakes for the occasion.   It might not be appropriate to work out who was our oldest contributor (!), but it is worth saying special thanks to Ben Morris, who was one of very few men to get involved (shame on the rest of you!), and also to everyone who attempted to decorate with a Petals theme – we saw some very tasty looking interpretations of the Petals logo.

There were also a few very successful cake sales held to raise funds.  Laura Dunling decided that she wanted to raise enough money to cover the cost of the Petals counselling that she had benefited from, so she organised a cake sale (among other things!) and raised nearly £300 in one afternoon.

Dee Scadden, who has also previously been though Petals counselling, organised a cake sale at her local Salvation Army venue.  Dee spent hours and hours baking cakes and also received many donations from friends and family, and raised nearly £400.

It all just goes to show… you can’t go wrong with cake!